SU Podium Panorama


180° Panoramic rendering


The Podium panorama feature will render a photo-realistic, spherical panorama image that will allow you to add interactivity to your SU Podium renders. When you open the image, you will be able to rotate your camera spherically in 360 degrees around the position of the camera. The image is output as an .html file that can be opened in any browser (or shared over email, hosted online, etc.)

The teen age room. Rendered at 5,000 X 2,500. Rendered with interior_high preset to JPG. HTML5 generated by PIE . Camera tilt is 0. This image may take some time to download. You should reduce the browser size to see a better resolution. See below to see the PNG version.


Click here to see a higher resolution PNG version Note: This will take longer to download and display.

The Pano City car show room. Rendered with V2.5.1 at 3,000 X 1,500 to JPEG. Rendered with interior_high preset. HTML5 generated by PIE in SU Podium V2.5.1. Camera tilt is 0.


The hi-rise hotel room. Rendered at 2500 X 1250 using interior_high preset then rendered to PNG. HTML5 generated by PIE in SU Podium V2.5.1. Camera tilt is 0.


The perfect bathroom from Nat. Rendered at 2500 X 1250 using interior_high preset to PNG. HTML5 generated by PIE in SU Podium V2.5.1.Bathroom800-400

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